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Majutamine Podhájska   Privaat


Juba olnud majutuste koguarv: 52        Number of reviews: 13        Average score: 7.8 (edasi 10)
18.09.2013 - 02.10.2013, Individual, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
03.08.2013 - 10.08.2013, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Vaše služby budu nadále využívat. Kobrlová.
25.05.2013 - 01.06.2013, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
22.09.2012 - 29.09.2012, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
Celkem jsem byl a na několik maličkostí spokojen, majitel objektu byl velice vstřícný a hned při příjezdu šel se mnou na koupadla a vše mi tam ukázal, co kde je, kam jít a čemu se vyhnout. Za tyto pozitivní rady jsem mu vděčný. Uvažuji že příští rok si návštěvu Podhajské zopakuji. Zdravím Řezníček.
02.09.2012 - 08.09.2012, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
12.08.2012 - 17.08.2012, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
04.08.2012 - 11.08.2012, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Myslím, že příští rok využiji opět vaše služby. Kobrlová.
01.07.2012 - 07.07.2012, Couple, Tšehhi Vabariik   9
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Ubytování bylo hezké, pokoj čistý. Pan domácí měl příjemné jednání a vystupování. Byli jsme velmi spokojeni. Toto ubytování můžeme vřele doporučit.Rita a Radek Králíkovi..
02.06.2012 - 09.06.2012, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
21.05.2012 - 28.05.2012, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   5
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
07.10.2011 - 14.10.2011, Couple, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
24.09.2011 - 30.09.2011, Couple, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
28.08.2011 - 31.08.2011, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
21.08.2011 - 26.08.2011, Couple, Slovakkia
Majutus õnnestus.
20.08.2011 - 21.08.2011, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik
Majutus õnnestus.
06.08.2011 - 13.08.2011, Individual, Tšehhi Vabariik   6
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
Fill in your impressions: Vše proběhlo v pohodě. Kobrlová.
01.04.2011 - 02.04.2011, Couple, Slovakkia   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
29.12.2010 - 02.01.2011, Grupp, Slovakkia   3
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Not satisfied.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
27.11.2010 - 28.11.2010, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Vzhledem k ceně příjemné víkendové ubytování. Se způsobem rezervace a přístupem jsem byl také spokojen..
01.08.2010 - 11.08.2010, Family with children, Tšehhi Vabariik   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Velice se nám tam líbilo,se službami jsme byli spokojeni i s přátelským přístupem správce ubytování..
01.05.2010 - 08.05.2010, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   5
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
13.11.2009 - 15.11.2009, Grupp, Tšehhi Vabariik   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Poprvé jsme využili objednávu přez internet,byli jsme spokojeni,ubytování bylo příjemné,za poslední dobu se velice zlepšily služby v místě ,rádi se na vás opět obrátíme,Prokešovi BRNO.
28.09.2009 - 04.10.2009, Couple, Tšehhi Vabariik   9
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Již se těšíme na jarní termíny a opět se přihlásíme k pobytu..
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