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Accommodation Utjeha   Family pension


Total number of stays: 15        Number of reviews: 7        Average score: 9.3 (of 10)
09.08.2015 - 19.08.2015, Group, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
19.07.2014 - 02.08.2014, Group, Hungary   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: A szállás nagyon igényes, a szállásadók rendkívül kedvesek, segítőkészek, készségesek voltak. A környezet nagyon szép, mindenkinek ajánlani tudjuk.Köszönjük a lehetőséget!.
27.06.2014 - 01.07.2014, Group, Czech Republic   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Příjemné, velmi vstřícný majitel, v podstatě mový objekt včetně vybavení. Blízká pláž oblázková..
21.06.2014 - 24.06.2014, Group, Hungary
The accommodation was all right.
07.09.2013 - 15.09.2013, Group, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
10.08.2013 - 24.08.2013, Family with children, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
03.08.2013 - 12.08.2013, Family with children, Hungary
The accommodation was all right.
13.08.2012 - 18.08.2012, Group, Lithuania   9
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Viskas labai puiku, labai graži gamta, kalnai, tik galetu mažiau šiukšliu buti pležuose, pakelese. Juk link Kroatijos puses žmones moka tvarkytis..
19.07.2012 - 28.07.2012, Group, Poland
The accommodation was all right.
10.08.2011 - 12.08.2011, Group, Hungary   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the family pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
14.08.2010 - 21.08.2010, Group, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
04.07.2010 - 18.07.2010, Family with children, Czech Republic   7
na dovolené se nám opravdu "líbilo", až na hlasité metal. diskotéky (hned naproti apartmánu), každý den od 24.00 - 4.00, někdy až do 5.00. Ani plastová okna a žaluzie nepomohly. Doporučujeme dovolenou pro mladé, bezdětné lidičky, kteří se nepotřebují o dovolené i vyspat.
02.07.2010 - 09.07.2010, Group, Germany
The accommodation was all right.
22.08.2008 - 29.08.2008, Group, Romania   9
Va multumesc pentru interesul cu care ne tratati. Am fost foarte multumiti cu ceea ce ni s-a oferit de catre gazde. Am petrecut un sejur agreabil in liniste si intr-un climat foarte placut. Va multumim si in cazul in care vom mai avea nevoie vom apela la serviciile Dvs.
06.07.2008 - 11.07.2008, Couple, Poland   10
Dzień dobry, jesteśmy zadodoleni z pobytu w Montenegro, w tym z pobytu na kwaterze. Nasze negatywne uwagi dotyczą informacji drogowej, tzn. mało jest drogowskazów i brak tablic informacyjnych o miejscowości. Szczególnie dotyczy to mniejszych miejscowości. Zaskoczył nas także problem śmieci. Jednak dbałoś o zabytki i przepiękne obrazy natury rekompensowały ujemne wrażenia.
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